
Gretchen Holbrook

Gretchen Holbrook, LMT Several years ago, Gretchen took a trip to WuDan Mountain; the sacred site where Daoism was founded over 5000 years ago. There on the slope of the mountain, in the ruins of a temple courtyard, a Chinese master taught her the ancient 5-Animals Qi gong form. Every Wednesday evening, [...]

Gretchen Holbrook2024-11-26T14:14:41-09:00

Rose Garner

Rose Garner, LMT Rose is an accomplished local athlete and she has used massage therapy as an integral part of her training for many years. She loves to work with athletes, or anyone who enjoys a completely beneficial massage has worked out hard or is training for an event. Let Rose know [...]

Rose Garner2024-11-26T14:14:56-09:00
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